Funct. Mater. 2021; 28 1: 131-137.


Dynamic impact compression of lightweight foam concrete

Cao Hai, Ye Qin, Zhou Changjian

School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Huangshan University, 245041 Huangshan, China


The performance of dynamic impact compression of lightweight foam concrete under different strain rates was studied using a separate Hopkinson pressure bar. The results show that with an increase in the average strain rate, the fragmentation of the lightweight foam concrete specimens becomes less and less, showing an obvious correlation of the strain rate. The dynamic stress-strain curve of lightweight foam concrete in a one-dimensional stress state can be divided into three stages: linear elastic stage, yield stage and failure stage. The energy absorption by the specimen decreases with an increase in the incident energy and with an increase in the average strain rate of the specimen. There is a power function relationship between them. Due to its low strength, lightweight foam concrete absorbs little total energy and can be effectively used as a protective material.

lightweight foam concrete, dynamic impact compression, strain rate, energy absorption rate.


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