Funct. Mater. 2023; 30 (3): 447-452.


Method for measuring X-ray reflections of microelements of inorganic compounds in soft tissues

I.F.Mikhailov1, V.V.Negoduyko2, R.M.Mikhaylusov2, A.I.Mikhailov1, S.S.Borisova1

1 National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, 2 Kyrpychova str., 61002 Kharkiv, Ukraine
2Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region, 5 Kultury str., 61000, Kharkiv, Ukraine


An alternative method is proposed for measuring X-ray diffraction peaks from micro-impurities of inorganic phases in soft tissues. Unlike traditional XRD, each of the diffraction peaks corresponding to the interplanar spacing di, is measured using radiation with a wavelength of λ -> 2di. This makes it possible to register diffraction peaks at large θ angles, thereby increasing the angular resolution ?tan?. This approach made it possible to increase the beam angular divergence Δθ from 0.05 (for standard XRD) to 3, gain ~(Δθ)2 in the spectrometer luminosity, and reduce ~(Δ θ)-2 radiation load per unit area of soft tissue. A criterion for choosing the wavelength and beam divergence based on the micro-impurity structure is proposed. The results of measuring the diffraction peaks of micro-impurities of iron oxides in soft tissues damaged by a fragment wound are presented. The excess iron content in damaged tissues was certified by the XRF method with calibration using standard samples and did not exceed 0.4 mass%. Measurements of the main diffraction peaks of iron oxides Fe2O3, d=2.69A?, as well as Fe3O4, d=1.61A? and FeO(OH), d=1.71A?, were carried out in Cl-α and Sc-α (,respectively. We used the scheme of a portable EDXRF spectrometer with a secondary KCl-Sc target and an angular beam divergence of Δθ ≈ 3°. Without radiation damage to soft tissues, the detection limits were reached: 0.12 mass% for Fe2O3, 0.059 mass% for Fe3O4 and 0.034 mass% for FeO(OH).

X-ray diffraction, micro-impurities, soft tissues, EDXRF spectrometer, secondary target.

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