Funct. Mater. 2023; 30 (4): 549-553.


Evaluation of the thermal conductivity of polymethacrylic with additives of various metals

Ayad Jyad Jarjis1, Atyaf S. Al Rawas2, Mohammad Mahmood Uonis3

1Department of physics , College of Science, Mosul university, Iraq
2Department of Basic Science, College of dentistry, Mosul university, Iraq
3Department of new and renewable energy, College of Science, Mosul university, Iraq


The effect of additives of gold, silver, aluminum and copper nanoparticles on the thermal conductivity of polymethacrylic (base) was studied. The concentration of added nanoparticles was 0.25%. weight. The addition of silver significantly increased thermal conductivity, followed by copper, gold and finally aluminum. The thermal conductivity values of polymethacrylic are 0.28 W/μ. and 0.25 W/μ when adding gold and aluminum, respectively. The properties of polymethacrylic did not change significantly when adding the same amount of silver.

Combining metal with polymethacrylate, thermal conductivity, acrylic resin, metallic nanofiller

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