Stationary Josephson effect in superconducting mesoscopic multilayers with tunnel ferromagnetic barriers

S.V.Naydenov, A.V.Naduev*, S.V.Kuplevakhsky*

Institute for Single Crystals, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 60 Lenin Ave., 310001 Kharkiv, Ukraine
*Kharkiv State University, Physical Department, 4 Svobody Sq., 310077 Kharkiv, Ukraine

Received April 28, 1998

The problem of stationary Josephson effect in pure superconducting multilayers with tunnel ferromagnetic barriers near the volume critical temperature has been studied in the frame of microscopic theory. Expressions are obtained for the supercurrent at arbitrary superconducting layer thickness a. A sharp deviation of the superlattice properties from the single junction ones has been revealed in the limit of small a values as compared to the coherence length xi0. In this mesoscopic limit, a<<xi0, effects of strong supercurrent suppression, ordering parameter decrease and the exponential renormalization of the Josephson transition critical temperature are determined. The latter is due to the supercurrent running as well as to the Cooper pairs destruction resulting from the exchange interaction in the ferromagnetic barrier region.

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